Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Day Beds nearly here

Some of you may have never heard of a Day Bed. I know I hadn't until I visited the Australian Teak 'n Cane store in Darwin.
I would describe it as a cross between a lounge suite and a bed. Perfect for a lazy afternoon reading, or relaxing after the gardening or weekend sport.
They are great for covered outdoor areas & sun rooms, baches and beach houses.

The great news is- now that you know what a day bed is & youré really keen to come & check them out - we have them arriving in the next container.

Will keep you posted with when the containers are arriving.

Container Work-out February '10

Who needs the gym!?
Just get yourself a container delivered, then work hard all day to get it unpacked.
Here we are unpacking our first load of gorgeous furniture, ceramics and acccessories. It didn't last long - we had further stock land after this and had to do it all again... but we're glad! Each new arrival means that we can show you  more fabulous stock - new lines are arriving all the time.  We aim to keep our 20m x 30m space chock-full all the time.

that's Sam.....

I'm supervising ... well, someone has to!

doing a quality check as the bedside cabinets get unloaded...

After all that, just the rubbish to get under control. We have lots of wood crates that contain the larger items inside the crates... it makes the best firewood. Might list it on Trade Me when the containers are due.